
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 23:12:11
The Shaveable series of Bulb-tite rivets are desighed for use in applications where solid "bucked" type rivets are commonly used such as truck/trailer body assemble or repair. The Shaveable Bulb-tite simplifies repairs made to solid riveted assemblies, as rivet replacement does not require access to the blind side of the application. The Bulb-tite's large blindside footprint functions well in rivet holes that have become elongated or too large to allow use of a solid rivet. Simply install the Bulb-tite and finish the rivet head with an Olympic head-sgaving tool. The shaved head profile perfectly matches the solid brazier head rivets used elsewhere in the essembly. Shaveable Bulb-tite are available in 5/32, 3/16, and 1/4 diameters and can be installed with most standard blind rivet tools. A special tool nose tip is not required. The installed rivet's mandrel is designed to break high, leaving an exposed mandrel plug extending above the set fastener's head. The rema

该shaveable一系列的灯泡贯流tite铆钉是desighed使用在应用固体“ bucked ”型铆钉普遍使用,如卡车/拖车体组装或修理。该shaveable灯泡tite简化维修作出坚实的铆接集会,铆钉更换不需要访问失明方面的应用。灯泡- tite的大blindside足迹的职能,以及在铆钉孔已成为拉长或过大,从而允许使用了坚实的铆钉。只需安装灯泡贯流tite和完成铆钉的头部,一个奥林匹克头sgaving工具。该剃光头的个人资料完全相符,坚实的火盆头铆钉用于其他方面的essembly 。 shaveable灯泡tite可在5 / 32 , 3 / 16和1 / 4直径和可以安装与最标准的盲铆钉工具。一种特别的工具鼻子尖,是不是必需的。安装铆钉的芯棒是旨在打破高,留下暴露芯棒堵塞延长上述的一套紧固件的头部。余下的芯棒修剪工具。最后,铆钉头是剃光使用hs310铆钉头剃须刀,留下了成品铆钉头相匹配的坚实的铆钉在外观上。